Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jakarta International airport

I have found something good about Jakarta International airport........I know, what a shock!

There is a great little hole in the the wall shop that does reflexology.........

45 minutes of excruciating bliss for about $8.

It is just as well as I had a great experience as I have had a bad one at Singapore......

I was supposed to have a 1 hour stop here BUT I have been here for 3 hours already and still have another 2.5 hours before my flight. My flight got canceled.

I was scheduled to sitting just behind business class; but I have been bumped back to the very last row.........

A direct flight from Jakarta to Sydney is about 7.5 hours if you go Qantas.......this little jaunt will be 24 hours door to door. OMG. Usually Singapore Airlines is so good.

Nobody had better upset me, because I will be/am very tired and cranky.


  1. No fun!! I am sorry Singapore air screwed up! The only thing that could make it worse would be having kids in tow.
    BTW I am not sure that reflexology makes up for the bathrooms, Jakarta airport is the only airport in the world that I wait UNTIL I get on the plane to use the bathroom as they are beyond disgusting!

  2. Anonymous2:07 am

    Have a safe trip and good luck with your mom.


  3. yeah, the airport is suck!


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