Sunday, August 24, 2008

A great night at Anza

We had a busy day yesterday, visitors, studying, lots of kids. Late in the afternoon my friend convinced us to come out for a BBQ at ANZA.

You know sometimes how all you want to do is have a quiet night with a wine and be in bed by 8pm........It was one of those days; especially as I had finally completed a big science last!

It is just as well my friend won't take no for an answer!

It was a great night and we met lots of interesting, fun new people.

We couldn't get a sitter so we took the kids and luckily other people had brought theirs as well so there was lots of kids having fun.

It is the end of the summer holidays here in Jakarta and most of the new batch of expats have arrived. We got a chance to meet a few new families; it felt strange being an "old timer" in Jakarta after 18 months. LOL

After a few wines and lots of chit chat I hear a OMG your JenJen!!!!!!!! I was recognized from this blog.

I felt very special lol!


  1. That is too funny. Your blog is wonderful and I for one am pleased to have found it! I only wish I had found it sooner then we could have had more time to hang out before I left.

    Last fall when I was the "old timer" charged with sponsoring a new family coming to Jakarta I sent an e-mail sent an e-mail introducing myself and offering to answer questions. As a response I got "OMG I have been reading your blog. I feel like I know you all ready!" Bit of an odd feeling, but kinda nice.

  2. G'day JenJen,

    It was great meeting you and "GJ" at the ANZA event - funny how small the world truly is. We read your blog as our intro to arriving here and thought it would be funny if we ever ran into you and OMG - there you are.
    Look forward to catching up again soon.
    David and Samantha (

  3. any younger ones on this new batch?


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