Sunday, August 17, 2008

Indonesian Independence Day, 17th August 2008

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — An Indonesian mayor has ordered security officers in parts of the capital to go door-to-door on Independence Day to make sure people are flying the national flag.

Budiman Simarmata, acting mayor of South Jakarta, on Thursday cited a 1958 government regulation that it is the administration's right to urge residents to raise the flag, although there are no penalties for failing to do so.

"Residents should hoist the red and white flag three days before and three days after the Independence Day," he said in a phone interview.

Indonesia celebrates its break from the Dutch on Aug. 17, 1945, for several weeks each year, decking the streets in the national colors and holding concerts, fairs and parades.

Around 300 officers will be sent out in Simarmata's municipality of roughly 1.8 million people to persuade residents to show their patriotism, he said.

"We have to give the highest appreciation for our independence fought so hardly by our heroes," he said in a telephone interview. "I urge residents to report to the officers if there is anybody who did not raise the flag."

We won't be getting a knock on our door lol.

We love decorating for Independence day.

The streets are looking so vibrant this week. All the roads and buildings are covered in flags as well as all the colourful banners for the upcoming election. The city is alive with colour.


  1. Anonymous9:31 pm

    how exciting! I miss the festivities of 17th August alot! Did your children participate in any one of those fun neighbourhood competitions? I used to rock in those!

  2. Last year we went to the next street and had a great time watching the singing and dancing shows.
    This year there was nothing on with in walking distance.
    We didn't even hear any fireworks!
    It was very quiet compared to last year.
    Hopefully next year will be big!


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!