Friday, August 15, 2008

School Sports Day

We had our school sports day this week to coincide with the Olympics.
The kids all had a fantastic time and I was on official photographer detail for the day.
I would love to show all the photos but can't due to privacy issues.
The heat was horrendous, I didn't realise how much I need some time in AC each day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The kids didn't seem to notice at all, but I was drained by the end of the day and feel like I have a hang over today...


  1. I love the pics! Just wanted to stop in to say "hi" -- I've finally caught up reading your posts spanning the past several months. Now that I have a "normal" job, I'm able to do so. YAY! Glad the kids had so much fun - looks a blast!

  2. Anonymous2:00 am

    How fun! I spent yesterday moving my daughter off to college! :( But, she is ready and I'm happy she is happy. Take care!



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