Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A library tree.

My little classroom is actually an annex/sun room at the end of the library. It is lovely spot, it feels very welcoming and relaxing. Instead of student desks I have a proper table and chairs where we sit side by side in a group.
In September we noticed a a little green thing growing up through the carpet, over the next week it grew 10 cm (4"), we had a tree growing out of the floor!

It became the big hit...how tall could our library tree grow?
We wrote sentences and stories about it, we made predictions about its growth and we theorized about how it got there.
Finally our tree got too big and it was in danger of causing damage to the walls and was removed. Our tree had reached over a meter tall.

I have found a new topic to cover in my classes, I try and have a theme per term and get it to cross over to the needs and ages of all students. I work with kids in year one right through to year six.

This term I am doing phonic blends and this week we concentrated on two sounds: au, aw, or and oy, oi.

One of my examples of au was autumn. I was astonished to find that most kids could not tell me the seasons in order or even know what they were.

In the tropics it is hot and wet or hot and dry.

Next week we are doing seasons.

Our school is secular, ie no religious focus at all, and as such there is no craft or lesson focus on Christmas (or any other religions special occasions). No trees, tinsel etc not even Christmas stories/books.

But...if I am doing seasons I might be able to do a few colorful snow flakes....

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