Saturday, January 03, 2009

Christmas Eve and Day 2008

Due to the unusually cool weather, I decided to cook a roast pork dinner for Christmas eve.

Oh my goodness it was good!

Quiet a few of our friends from Jakarta are holidaying in Sydney over the Christmas break. We were honored to be able to show our German friends what a hot, Australian Christmas is like. The kids were ecstatic to have their friends here .

After the best roast pork, ever, the kids performed a music extravaganza for us. The piano got a work out as did the recorder, harmonica, drum sticks as well as some tribal dances and a good rendition of the Hakka.

We had a wonderful feast, good company and food made for a lovely Christmas.

Santa was very generous to all and managed to keep the stash to luggage sized proportions....he is very organized.


  1. It's so strange to see blooming flowers and green plants outside this time of year! Here in Nebraska, USA, it is freezing 10 degrees Fahrenheit! Looks like you had an amazing Christmas!

  2. WOW! It really looked like a fun get together and look at all those presents!

    Happy New Year!

  3. A friend and an embrace from Spain ... azpeitia


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