Monday, April 13, 2009

Mortified at the supermarket.

Spring break (I know, we are in the Southern Hemisphere, in a constantly hot, tropical climate yet it is still called Spring Break here!) is over and the kids and I are back at work/school.

I finished work today at noon and headed to the local supermarket to do a huge grocery shop, as did many, many other people, it was packed.

Just as the last few items were being scanned I opened my purse and found it empty of cards*. They were all still in my Singapore purse!

I had a piled high trolley and had to rummage around and return stuff until I got down to the amount of cash I had on me, all while every one else in the queue behind me watched and waited.

Now I just need to go back and get the rest............with a purse full of cash and cards.

* I have a great system of multiple purses: one for each currency I regularly use; $Au , $Sing , Indonesian RP and $US. I always keep enough cash in each one for a drink and a snack at the airport and a taxi fare in that country. All I then need to do is swap over cards and licenses. I even keep the appropriate health cards and loyalty cards in each wallet. This system works very well for us (except when I forget to change over cards and end up short at the supermarket lol).

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