Monday, June 29, 2009

I got my uni results!

I scored all Distinctions!!!!!
I was very close to High Distinction grades (1% and 4% off ) on both subjects but a pass is a pass and I am very happy.
I got 85% on a maths exam that I didn't even have time to finish, if only the exam was an extra hour longer :)


  1. Anonymous9:02 am

    Yay!!!! Well done, Jen!!! Now you can breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy summer -- or is it winter there???? It's summer here! lol

    Kristina in Nebraska

  2. Anonymous10:54 pm

    I Think its always summer there

  3. Jen...

    Does this mean that retirement is soon on the horizon for GJ?

    Congratulations on a job well done...

    I hear that you will not need to work anymore anyway as GJ just won a share of the Oz Lotto jackpot. Congrats on that front as well :D

  4. who won lotto? Why aren't there parties?

    YAY on uni!! Congrats!!

    Does that mean you'll be back on chats??

  5. LOL I wish!

    No lottery win except in GJ's mind!

    GJ wants me to graduate so he can retire asap!

    He was a house husband for nearly a year when Ben was a baby.

    I think he had too much fun socialising at the school gates waiting for our girls and using baby Ben as a lady magnet in the supermarket lol

    I hardly get any computer time for chats, the girls have chat and facebook and hog the pc and laptop 24/7 lol.

    I think I need an iphone.....(can't afford it though)


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!