Friday, November 06, 2009

Mahkota Lamps and Antiques, Jakarta Indonesia

It has taken me nearly 3 years to get around to it, but I have finally made time to visit this lamp shop. I drive past at least once a fortnight and have always wanted to go in and shop till I drop browse.

The lamps start out a shinny yellow brass and gradually age to a wonderful dark colour and I want one of each lol! Small lamps start at about 200 000RP (US $21) and go up to 2.5+ million RP for the giant ones (US $ 260+), bear in mind that this is the ‘blonde’ price- it’ll will vary with the colour of your hair i.e. the lighter the hair the higher the price lol

I saved these images a couple of months ago when they were featured on one of my favourite design sites, as they suit a Queensland, Australia tropical home. These photos show what can be done with a well chosen lamp, or two or three……

Ben Stiller’s home for sale,
Photos by Everett Fenton Gidley,

There are no marked prices and the price fluctuates every 2-3 minutes so be prepared to bargain. The shop assistant speaks good English, much better than my Indonesian.

The address is JL Pangeran Antasari # 64 (close to the JL Cipete Raya intersection) Cipete, ph 021 7590 2663

  These photos were all shot on my mobile phone, the colours were much more vivid in real life.


  1. Those are gorgeous! How come I didn't know about this place when I lived there?

  2. Anonymous2:01 am

    Absolutely exquisite!!


  3. I absolutely adore stuff like this - I could shop til I drop in there too!


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