Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ We Wish You a Merry♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Christmas♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ We Wish You a Merry ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ We Wish You A Merry ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ...And A Happy New Year! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪...

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

Friday, November 13, 2009

Blonde on a ojek bike in Jakarta

I had my first experience on a motor bike in Jakarta yesterday…….I think motor bikes are dangerous at the best of times, but here they are positively lethal!

I needed to be at a friend’s house at 7.30am in the morning, but the car needed to take the kids and GJ to school, so it was a taxi or a lift on a bike.

Taxis in peak hour are hard to get and then you have to deal with the traffic. In a car it would have taken up to forty minutes, on the bike it was about 8 minutes although the distance is around 2 km.

Traffic in Jakarta is not like traffic in western countries, it is incomprehensible how bad it is until you have experienced it.

It was change of shift time for our home security guards and I asked one of them to give me a lift; my security guard and I are now very well acquainted lol.

I was so nervous I went for full body contact with my arms tightly wrapped around his middle; luckily, my handbag was the right size to wedge between us on the seat if you know what I mean!

There was no spare helmet and the kids push bike helmets were too small so I went bare… blonde hair a shiny beacon to all.

Jalan Ampera was almost at a standstill with traffic so there were plenty of people to witness my inaugural ojek (motor bike taxi) ride. GJ wanted to know if I took photos, I had to admit that it took all of my attention to breathe and occasionally open my eyes!

I saw quite a few stunned and gobsmacked faces as I whizzed by and could even hear some of the comments lol.

But I would have to say that the scariest part of my day was yet to come….

After my ojek ride I met up with my friend where we had to cross JL Ampera to grab a taxi to JL Mangpang and then we had to walk across JL Mangpang Perapatan to meet up with our other friend!

A whopping great big road with bus lanes and homicidal manic bike, car, and bus drivers.

Luckily my buxom blonde bule body is quiet noticeable and it is obvious that if I were hit I would create a lot of damage not to mention a huge mess so I given a wide berth.

By 7.25 am I had zigzagged through traffic on the back of a motor bike, crossed one big road and one whopping big, main road on foot.

I nearly needed a stiff drink and a lie down.

Luckily I was off on a day trip to the factory outlet stores of Bandung and was revived with some retail therapy.

I can, without hesitation say that this will be my one and only ojek ride.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Mahkota Lamps and Antiques, Jakarta Indonesia

It has taken me nearly 3 years to get around to it, but I have finally made time to visit this lamp shop. I drive past at least once a fortnight and have always wanted to go in and shop till I drop browse.

The lamps start out a shinny yellow brass and gradually age to a wonderful dark colour and I want one of each lol! Small lamps start at about 200 000RP (US $21) and go up to 2.5+ million RP for the giant ones (US $ 260+), bear in mind that this is the ‘blonde’ price- it’ll will vary with the colour of your hair i.e. the lighter the hair the higher the price lol

I saved these images a couple of months ago when they were featured on one of my favourite design sites, as they suit a Queensland, Australia tropical home. These photos show what can be done with a well chosen lamp, or two or three……

Ben Stiller’s home for sale,
Photos by Everett Fenton Gidley,

There are no marked prices and the price fluctuates every 2-3 minutes so be prepared to bargain. The shop assistant speaks good English, much better than my Indonesian.

The address is JL Pangeran Antasari # 64 (close to the JL Cipete Raya intersection) Cipete, ph 021 7590 2663

  These photos were all shot on my mobile phone, the colours were much more vivid in real life.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Halloween in Jakarta, 2009

A Punk, A Pirate and a Witch!

The school had a Halloween themed day on Friday 30th, GJ's birthday.

The kids had their FIRST experience of Trick or Treating!. A few of the large Expat clubs and compounds host  organised events; we went to the Kemang Club Villas for their event on Friday night. The kids had a party at the club house with a magician before the main event of Trick and Treating! Ben was shocked that you go to the participating houses and "they just give you candy!!!!" lol.

We have a great stash of candy now that the kids and GJ are working their way through!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Underwater at Pulau Petondan

Chelsea celebrated her 9th Birthday in grand style...on a private island in the Thousand Islands.
I am in the final weeks of a uni semester...assignments are due and exams are imminent.

Hopefully I can get back to some blogging soon!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

KidZania Jakarta a Fabulous Birthday Party

Georgia had her birthday party at KidZania this weekend. The kids had been before, but this was my first visit and I can see why this place is so popular, it is amazing. A city designed for kids, in scale, full of fun things to do and as a bonus, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Saturday mornings were not too crowded.The kids have photo drivers licenses, ATM cards and wads of cash (they earnt more kidzos, than they spent!), all which they can use on their next visit. We all had locked wrist bracelets that were programed with our details, which kept track of activities and whereabouts, no child can leave with out the adult that actually signed them in.

KIDZANIA is a unique EDUTAINMENT CENTER for children between 4 to 16 years old and their parents.
It is a kid-sized replica of a real city, with streets, buildings, retail and different vehicles going around the City.
Here, children play adult roles and they learn how to be a doctor, a pilot, a construction worker, a private detective, an archeologist, an F1 driver and over 100 other PROFESSIONS and OCCUPATIONS.
There is a replica of the most representative buildings in a city such as Hospital, Supermarket, Beauty Salon, Theatre, Industrial sites, and many more.
KIDZANIA is a SAFE, INTERACTIVE and HIGHLY EDUCATIONAL center where kids wear the uniform and perform the role they are playing. Led by our Zupervisor, they learn the complexities of the adult world, and learn the value of money, just as in real life.
In KIDZANIA, kids use our official currency KIDZOS. Here, children learn to appreciate the value of money, by performing over 100 professions and occupations and earn a salary. Their salaries earned, can then be used to buy goods and services available in KIDZANIA.
Kidzania’s history starts like all great stories do, with idealistic passion and an unwavering spirit that was stimulated by a communal desire to create something better. The kids decided to create a nation filled with abundant opportunities, where kids could assert themselves and be responsible. And this was a world where kids could think and act independently from adults.
What the kids envisioned was a real world made perfect which ultimately made it “the place” where kids wanted to be, KIDZANIA was born. Making the world a better place was a grand idea for sure, but the kids know it was also the road to self-empowering. It would free and empower them to exercise their rights.
To Be: the power to be self-determining, unique and free;
To Know: the capacity to be experimental when educating oneself
To Care: the responsibility to be supportive and proactive
To Play: the ability to be playful and participatory in life.
KIDZANIA is an indoor facility, located in 6th floor of Pacific Place Shopping Mall, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53, SCBD Complex, Jakarta 12910

Georgia and friends

Making ice blocks
Riding the bus
Window cleaning
Wall climbing, all made it to the top, rang the bell and then abseiled down!
Street views

This is Georgia and Chelsea climbing the wall.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

2 down, 2 to go!

It is October, or commonly know as party month in our house!

Georgia has turned 11, and is very VERY happy with her presents.

Ben has just turned 6, where has my baby gone ???????

We have Chelsea's and GJ's birthdays still to come.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Oktoberfest 2009, Jakarta Indonesia

We had a fantastic night at this years German Oktoberfest, the same band as last year was playing and managed the same great eclectic mix of music, very loudly (we were right next to a speaker- and an a/c machine!).

If we are still here next year I'm am getting a dirndl (traditional German dress) made!

The only down side was the smoke, everywhere public in Indonesia the air is full of cigarette smoke, but OMG, it was particularly bad in this ballroom.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Ocean Queen Pelabuhan Ratu

We had a few days this trip where the waves were suitable for the kids to have a swim. This stretch of coast is notorious for its dangerous surf and undertow, last time we were at Ocean Queen it was just  too dangerous to go in. It is a beautiful little beach with black sand and local small fishing boats pulled up above the high tide mark. The jungle comes right up to the edge of the beach, the bottom right shot shows two young guys surfing on a single board.

The kids spent days collecting wood for a bonfire and on the last night the dads lit it for them on the beach.

This is the main beach of the resort, the girls had fun playing badminton as the sun set.

Early morning Bullock exercise along the beach; every bungalow has its own beach cabana.
  I think the kids have been to too many 5star Brunches......this is how they set the table for last nights dinner!