Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A clear day in Bandung

We had an over night visit to Bandung a few weeks ago and were very pleased to wake up to this great view. It is not often that you get to see the surrounding mountains, usually the pollution and tropical haze obscures them.
The kids were excited when a helicopter flew right towards our room windows before landing on on the helipad next to the pool. After seeing more than ten trucks rolled over, smashed and in the ditches on the way there and back, as well as getting stuck in horrific traffic, I would think it would be a great way to travel to Bandung in the future.


  1. Can't believe you've left Jakarta and that we our paths never crossed in person whilst you were here! 6 degrees of seperation and all that...! Maybe in our next posting!
    Hope settling back into Aussie life is not too difficult. I am incredibly jealous that you can just walk into any shop and buy great wine at cheap as chip prices! And cheese.......!!

  2. Anonymous2:59 pm

    jenny, whats going on?,...where are you?,..long time no update? from a jenjenqld follower.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!