Friday, July 30, 2010

Ron Meuck Exhibition

We all went and saw the Ron Meuck exhibition recently; it was just as amazing as I thought it would be, even the kids were impressed!
Ron Mueck (born 1958) is an Australian hyper realist sculptor working in the United Kingdom. Mueck's sculptures faithfully reproduce the minute detail of the human body, but play with scale to produce disconcertingly visual images (via wikki 2010). The images are so life like, there is an overwhelming urge to reach out and touch the sculptures, but of course it is not allowed. There was no flash photography permitted so my photos aren't as good as I would of liked, however I did purchase the book of his work which is very interesting. 

These images highlight some of his other work in other galleries around the world (from google images)

The exhibition finished this weekend:

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