Saturday, September 25, 2010

Moroccan light fittings have been installed!

Our electrician has just spent his 4th full day here, he still has at least another 2 days worth of work to do....I'm planning on signing over GJ's entire pay-check to him this month.....

We have had rats chewing out wiring and the dirty filthy tenants (DFT) smashed a lot of the outside lighting which allowed water to get in and rust and fuse all the wiring. We also found burnt out light fittings (so bad it had burnt and cracked the plaster in places) due to too hot bulbs being installed.

The electrician hired a HUGE ladder to replace all the bulbs in our glorious high ceiling (6m / 20ft.). The ladder has gone back, but one of the lights at the highest point is faulty and flickers and hisses....mmmmmm oh the joys of a money pit/dream home!

But on the bright side, I love my Moroccan light fittings which have just been installed on the decks. 

We had Friday night drinks and dinner on the deck admiring their beauty.

We got the lights in Jakarta (here is the original post) and now I wish I bought many many more!!!!!!!!!!


  1. "I'm planning on signing over GJ's entire pay-check to him this month"

    ... but the lights ARE very nice :-)

  2. They look beautiful! Jakarta....Ahhhhh - we miss it heaps, but life is pretty darn great here in Bahrain also. The clean air is wonderful! So sorry to hear about your DFT's. You are making your home beautiful once again though. Well done! Kathryn x


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