Saturday, May 14, 2011

I have been slightly unwell for the last 16 months, nothing serious but debilitating. We are now close to finding the reason, a lovely persistent Indonesian bug or something else.
I have just found unread 4700 emails in gmail and 800 in yahoo.....looks like I am going to busy for the next few weeks!


  1. Hope you are on top of it now and on the road to recovery. ;-)

  2. Get well soon! I hope it's nothing too serious. Hugs

  3. Oh, poor you! I have missed reading your blog...hope your health gets back on track asap. Still enjoying life in Bahrain - been a bit of an unsettling time with the troubles here, but think we're over the worst of it now! Are you still updating your cooking blog? If so, will you send me the link again? xxx

  4. omgosh... that is horrible, the bug not the emails;)- though that seems very overwhelming!
    hope now that you know the cause you can get rid of the little bugger.
    thank you for your dear comment!
    feel better!

  5. I was wondering. It has been a long time. Hope you recover well/quickly once the cause is determined better.

  6. You know what? I probably have the same thing! Every since I got to Indonesia 2 years ago, I've been bedridden for at least 1 week per month. Lately it's been worse, it's lasted a month and a half and counting! Hope you will share when you figure it out! =)


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!