Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Guilty pleasures

When I get stressed and or overloaded with uni assignments, I often take a few minutes out for a little guilty pleasure.....creating (and rearranging) little vignettes.
This bookcase is one of my favourite spots to tinker in
All of my extended family, bar my mother and sister, have passed away, and I have inherited some wonderful treasures. This antique bookcase was my uncles and it is filled with books from both sides of my family as well as my maternal and paternal family silver, plus GJ's grandmothers Carltonware. I love how the creamy glaze on my mothers Belleck china and the blue of the Wedgwood looks against the wood. I think I might have over-filled the bookcase, but I just can't take anything out, it all has sentimental value and gives me great pleasure to look at.

Uni starts back next week, I haven't have much of a break as I did a WONDERFUL 3 week prac teaching stint in a year 1/2 class. It was my first time with such young students and I loved it!

I think I am so busy with words for uni as well as family life i have lost my bloggy mojo...I think I have exhausted the Indonesian expat life and  will change focus to see if I can get back into the groove of regular posting.
I am going to start featuring my art, antiques and treasures.

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