Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mrs Quld is teaching

What a year!

I spent all of 2012 working as well as studying which made me very, VERY busy mum and wife :) I finally graduated with a high distinction average at the end of 2012

The kids and GJ are all well; Georgia is in Year 10, Chelsea is in Year 8, her first year of high school and Ben is now in Year 4. GJ started a new job just before Christmas so 2013 is shaping up to be grand!

I started 2013 off with a few days of relief teaching at my favourite local school and in week 4 of term 1, I got a 12 month contract to take over a prep class (year before grade 1: so 4.5 to 6 year old kiddies).

I had always envisaged myself doing middle to upper primary teaching and have found teaching the preppies to be a huge learning curve, however I am LOVING having my own classroom!

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