Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A great weekend in Queensland

We had a great social weekend. Friday night is normally freezer night at our house, i.e. what ever you like from the freezer. I had bought frankfurters/Cheerios for the kids and had some leftover korma and rice for us. GJ got home from work early and asked if we felt like going to the local club. We have found that club bistros are much more suitable for kids as it is usually noisy and not right next to the entrance/road. We rang GJs sister Jo to see if they would like to join us and were very pleased that when we all sat down GJ’s other sister and husband arrived. It turned into a great family night.

Saturday we went to Lisa and Geoff’s home for lunch. Lisa was the kid’s nanny when I was working. It was a wonderful day on the deck with lots a good company, food and bubbles of course! I was very honored that Lisa used the beautiful crystal champagne flutes that we gave to them as wedding present for the first time with me.

On the way home we caught up with neighbors from our old house. It was great to catch up as we hadn’t seen them in over a year.

Sunday was swimming in the morning and then I took the girls roller skating with a friend while Ben had a big catch up sleep. By Sunday night the kids were exhausted, so was I, but then I am always tired!!!!!!
All in all it was a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:02 pm

    hi its jeremy sounds like friday night was good sorry that i never came mum said that my little cousins were askin where i was lol yea i had a saw throat n todays is wensday n i got the day off well sounds like use had a busy weekend we just stayed at home (cause i was sick) we got out some movies to watch so it was good n sarah had to work lol yea well i beta go n clean my room cya all mwa xoxo


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