Monday, July 17, 2006

Winter Swimming

Chelsea looking stunned at the water temperature....

The girls thought that they would not get cold....

Chelsea over the shock and enjoying swimming

Happy, before the fall

It was a lovely sunny day on Sunday, it was warm in the sun, but still a winters day....

GJ was cleaning the pool and let the kids wade in the beach area. The girls thought that it would be fun to float around on a Barbie matt and assured GJ that they wouldn't fall in........ At this stage he call me to get the camera, and it only took 1.5 minutes for them to get freezing wet. Georgie was out like a rocket and straight into a hot shower, Chelsea decided to make the most of it and had a quick swim, Ben was clever enough to only wet his ankles.

I felt the water and it was so cold that it burnt ( if that makes sense LOL)

They were obviously not traumatised by it as they asked to do it again next weekend....

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