Monday, August 14, 2006

Book Meme

Shannon from "Rocks in my Dryer" is hosting a meme about favorite books. I thought that I would quickly type out my list. Quickly-what a understatement that is, how does someone with a passion for books pick out a few...... I am sure I will be editing and adding to this post for weeks. But the 2 (more like 3.5) hours I have already spent on this today is enough.

Books that changed your life

Enid Blyton’s the magic faraway tree, as it introduced me to the joy of reading
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, In a small way it helped me find a sense of peace after my brothers death. The Power of One by Bryce Courtney as well as his April Fools Day.

Books that you have read more than once

The Anita Blake series by
The Belgariad and Malloreon series by David Eddings
Diana Gabaldon Cross stitch series
I have also loved Zenna Henderson’s The People collection
The Necroscope series by Brian Lumley, very strange and dark, yet compelling and hopeful

Series that I like

JD Robb’s In Death series about futuristic Lieutenant Eve Dallas
The Vampire chronicles by Anne Rice
The alphabet murders/Kinsey Millhone mysteries by Sue Grafton
Anita Blake mysteries
Diana Gabaldon cross stitch series
The lion the witch and the wardrobe

Books that you would want on a desert island

Any type of survival manual as well as the Swiss family Robinson for inspiration.
Oh I can’t choose, I want my whole garage of books plus the local library and more…..LOL

Books that made you laugh

I have this book borrowed from the library at the moment, It is based on the BBC series of the same name, it is HILARIOUS! Grumpy old women (but still feel 18 inside)

Books that you wish had been written

More in the Cross stitch series and a follow up to Belgariad so we can see how life is treating Garion and his family.

Books you don’t enjoy

Australian early history/ fiction, I don’t know why I don’t like this style

Books that you are currently reading

Any simple Mandarin language book that I can get my hands on.
Christ the Lord by Anne Rice, I have started it and are amazed that she has managed to make the young Jesus so real.
I have just bought The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, I think it is going to be one of my all time favorites.
I am also reading Crystal Gorge by David Eddings, Cravings by Laurell k Hamilton, HTML in an instant, Best Chinese idioms, The family managers everyday survival guide, Babyland by Holly Chamberland and Pip by Freya North. I also have the first four of the Dark Tower series to work through.

Books that you have been meaning to read

Christ the lord by Anne Rice

Books that you remember as a real page turner

Dan Browns The Da Vinci code. I read this about a year ago after I had wondered what all the hype was about. I couldn’t put it down and read it in a night.
I find the Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta novels very exciting.

Non-Fiction books that you have enjoyed

I am reading a lot of books about China in preparation for our move. My favorite is The DK Eyewitness travel guide to China. Ben calls it the statue book, he loves to look at the pictures. Chinese for Dummies by Dr Wendy Abraham is also proving to be very good.
Raising Boys by Steve Biddulp. The girls have also introduced us to a love of atlas’s.

Children’s books that the family has loved

I am currently introducing Georgia to The Enid Bylton series. I adored the Pookie series by Ivy Wallace and have managed to get 3 of them for the kids. Georgia and Chelsea also love the Rainbow Magic Fairies series by Daisy Meadows.
Georgia is enjoying The illustrated childrens bible by Maretha Maartens

A few Favorite authors

Cathy Kelly, Jane Green, Anne McCaffrey, Linda Fairstein, Chris Manby, Tom Clancey, Stephen King

I just had to add this picture. This is one wall of my bookcases in the garage. There is more, a bookcase in my bedroom, bookcase in my office, the kids have 2 bookcases in their toy room and boxes in the shed. I am working through a shelf at a time to list them on Library Thing.This is a free (for the 1st 200 books) web page that catalogues your books and saves the info. All you have to do is type in the isbn No and it does the rest. Paul at BAGGAS put me on to this. It even has a widget that shows random books that you can load onto your sidebar.


  1. I love books, too. I notice that you've read and enjoy some of the same books that I've read ... so I'll recommend a couple (in case you haven't found them yet): The Red Tent and Kite Runner.

    I just read both of these recently and thought they were great. Very different stories - but entertaining.

  2. I'm reading "The Time Traveler's Wife" now too. About half done. It's been good.

    I also have read Pip ... and Freya's other books.


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