Friday, August 25, 2006


I had all these lovely cheeses in the fridge left over from last weekend and did not want to throw it all away and waste it and so decided to try a fondue! The kids loved it! I had some indian naan bread and some par-cooked vegies and they had great fun dipping it in and dripping it all over the table. I had a recipe book and looked up different variations but in the end I just grated all the cheeses and put it a saucepan with a cup of wine and simmered very slowly for about 1/2 a hour. So simple and different!
GJ and I use to go regularly to a Swiss restaurant in North Sydney for a 3 course fondue. The 1st was the hot cheese with bread for dipping. The 2nd course was hot oil with meats and sauces for dipping and cooking, but the ultimate was the last course. Melted chocolate was served with fruit and marshmallows. The was never enough marshmallows so we soon learnt to smuggle extra packets in our handbags.


  1. Yummmm, and a great way to use some leftovers!! I personally love fondue, but my husband says "if I am going to eat meat, it is not going to be on some small stick". =))

  2. We have a place in town calling The Melting Pot - it is a fondue restaurant... I loooove it! My favorite dessert is the Bananas Foster white chocolate. It comes with the usual fruits, marshmallows, etc. AND pound cake, brownies & cheesecake. YUM!


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