Thursday, August 24, 2006

United Nations Peace Agreement

The two little princesses have morphed into little horrors, but I have a plan….
The little darlings are in the end run of term 3 at school, only 3 more weeks until school holidays. This means that they are tired, cranky and obnoxious X 100.
If one pulls a face at the other the other returns it and adds a nasty comment, that is returned with a little accidental bump, that is returned into a whack and a shout, this escalates into warfare and ends in tears. I have introduced a zero tolerance policy and a punishment for all, not just for the naughtiest. This was only working averagely. Unfortunately for the girls, Daddy came home from work early on Tuesday night and entered the fray. Lets set the scene, Ben nude playing in the dirt happily, the girls still in their school uniforms playing in the dirt and throwing rocks at each other, and the chooks escaping out of their pen…. And me shouting like a banshee at the back door (we live on 1.5 acres so I am not creating too much noise pollution). The girls now have no computer access for a month and GJ has canceled Georgia’s Birthday! Chelsea’s was already canceled because of this. Now as I have mentioned in the past I think Birthdays and Christmas are off limits as far as punishment go, but GJ obviously didn’t listen. We both agree that parenting must be unanimous and so I have engineered a peace deal that the UN would sanction. The girls can earn back their Birthdays!!!! Today I am writing up a rewards chart for the next 30 days, in this time they must earn 100 gold stars. Stars will be given for doing chores with out being asked. All the girls have to do is :-

Chooks morning and night, WITHOUT BEING ASKED

Bring in the paper on Sat and Sun WITHOUT BEING ASKED

Make their beds and keep their rooms tidy WITHOUT BEING ASKED

Keep the toy room tidy WITHOUT BEING ASKED

Unpack the school bags when they get home WITHOUT BEING ASKED

No fighting, back chatting or cheekiness WITHOUT BEING ASKED

Eat their vegetables WITHOUT BEING ASKED

Hopefully having a big A3 chart on the fridge, with stickers being added at the end of the day will improve this warzone.
This was probably a bad time to be giving up Champagne! I have decided that my sanity saver bubbles were keeping a few too many kilos around my lower half and that I was developing a slight dependency on champagne to get through the witching hours of 4.30- 6.30pm week nights. So I have given up mid week drinking for a month or 2. I will reward my self on the weekends only. I have decided that Friday night is officially the weekend, so I am not too hardly done by.

Robbies back must be comfy as Georgia is just
about asleep. I rolled her off and took her
straight to bed after I took this cute shot.

Ben got some new undies last week and he
wanted to leave them out to show daddy.
This is how he tried them on!

The girls are teaching Ben how to climb trees.

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