Saturday, August 26, 2006

Horror at home

I had planned on writing about this beautiful plant today. It is the only thing that is flowering at the moment in our garden. I had a vase of it on the table for our alfresco luncheon last weekend. After the guests went home I brought the vase inside and we have enjoyed the heady perfume all week. It is similar to a jasmine/gardenia flower scent. The plant is awash with flowers as the biocycle has been positioned around it.
But then horror arrived.....

This Huge snake is next to MY car and in the bookcases I have been using in the last week!!!!

luckily MY HERO GJ was on hand to chase it out. I had to reverse my car out and then hop around squawking with the girls as OUR HERO chased this big thing out side. I was chanting KILL It, Oh My GOD KILL IT. Blasphemy and murder and blood lust in one sentence, in front of the girls... My only excuse is IT IS A BIG HUGE NASTY EVIL SNAKE and it is in my garage, next to my car.

After I took this shot it tried to climb the wheel arch AND GET IN MY CAR!!!!!
Here is the critter trying to get in a bookcase.. This one is GJ's ( his bookcases are for tools and junk, not books)

MY HERO's legs pushing the SNAKE out into the garden. It is illegal to kill snakes in Australia (obviously a man made that law!!).
Here is the SNAKE climbing 2 trees to get away from the evil broom, Hang on didn't I post pictures of the kids climbing trees a few days ago? Insert swear words....
The snake is so camouflaged in this tree that you could stand next to it and never even see it.....

After all this excitement I did the most obvious thing, I rang my mum and emailed her the photos. My mum understands all about my dislike of all things critterly.
The next thing was a nice glass of bubbles to fortify myself. MY HERO, Gj knows me so well, he said "well are you going to blog about it now?"
I am sitting here in my office with the wonderful view, and are surprised to see the 2 girls happily playing outside on the trampoline, as far as I am concerned, I am not going out side for weeks and my car is going to be inspected twice daily...

We are going over to Robbies house for drinks on the deck this afternoon, so we can see how the renovation are going. I have got some yummy horderves to test out his new oven with, and a nice bottle of champagne to share. Hopefully this will be enough to remove most of todays terror and get me back on an even keel......cross your fingers!


  1. Ummm the comment I made about visiting...ummm it may have to be re-thunk! (hehhe) OH MY GOODNESS. I would have died and gone to heaven right there!!!

  2. At least the snake got away safely :-)

    ... and you didn't have contact with it, of course.


    That's a huge scream!!!! I've never seen a snake that huge outside of the television or zoo!!!

  4. You really need to see the great American movie, "Snakes on a Plane."
    Hope it comes out in Australia soon.


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