Thursday, August 31, 2006

Leader of my clan**

For those of you that actually know me , you will understand...*
GJ and I are absolute equals! It can be clash of the alpha dominate males at our house. Rarely is there a winner-a finely worded, sanctioned, peace accord is drafted and a truce is called and a compromise is reached. For example it took 12 months of negotiation to compromise on a new lounge 10 years ago. Both parties must be happy or the parrying continues.
Which makes it very hard for me to say....
I can not make an announcement because GJ says so...
But I can say I have a VERY stiff neck and sore arms from spending the entire day on the between dealing with the bootilious Benjamin John Nicholas.......
I am so frustrated about the lack of info on the "hot topic"; But I have been inspired (ok it was GJ's idea) to do a search on blogs. Well, a lot of my research questions have been answered, I so love blogs and the nice people I meet.

*I am covered in cotton wool and have a core of iron, luckily/unfortunately, Georgia is exactly like me!
**The title of this post is what we call GJ when he is feeling down(trodden!!!), "Leader of my clan" is our funny way of saying "wo ai ni', pronounced "war eye knee", translated to "I love you" in Mandarin

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