Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Lake House

In my 5 hours of solitude this week I played hookie.
I normally do all the things that are hard to do with a two year old on Wednesdays' while Ben is at Kindy.
I went to the movies by my self and saw this movie. I loved it, it was just what I look for in a movie. Light, fun, refreshing, no gore or excessive violence (although in saying that, I LOVED Kill Bill 1&2) and a proper ending.
I do not want to think deeply about my entertainment or have to create my own ending. I have no qualms about admitting that my taste in movies is very shallow.
I like to finish a movie and feel good. I have never watched the movie Titanic, shocking I know, but the boat sinks, he dies and she is sad. Why put myself through it?
Bridget Jones Diary is on TV this weekend and I will be watching as it is a feel good movie. Paradoxically, my taste in books is very different to this. Chick-Lit style books are not on my top 50 list at all.
I have canceled Gym today as I have some major research to do today, then I have to compose myself and then I will be able to post about it.
Stay tuned for a MAJOR NEWS FLASH....

1 comment:

  1. I saw that movie, cried. It was a good "chick flick" =))


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