Monday, August 28, 2006

More terror reports

Our neighbor rang yesterday afternoon to let me know that she saw a big snake crawling around the shed and chook pen, I then explained how my hero chased it out of the gargage on Sat.......Our neighbor has her adult son living with her at the moment and he is a LICENSED REPTILE KEEPER! he loves the horrible things. Which means he wants our very unwelcome house guest, he thinks that he already has got this ones children's.....(I can't bear to even think about that statement). So next time we have an intruder we just call and Ben will come over.....YEAH!!!!!!

GJ and I have also come to the conclusion that this snake spent the winter in our garage......This last weeks warm weather and my moving books and boxes around in the garage has disturbed him/her/IT and brought it out of hiding...
Which could also explain why the mice problem disappeared....
Our garage is next to my office and 2.5 m from Bens bedroom.......
This snake is causing me to wear out my fullstop key on my keyboard.......


  1. Oh my, I have no words. Mice or snakes,,,,, not sure. I would like neither.

  2. Anonymous7:51 am

    Oh good golly!! Please, oh please give me spiders or bugs any day of the week but keep...the...snakes...away!! I can't imagine!

  3. To answer the question on my blog, the black and white photos are of my sister (not sister in law) but my sister. Isn't she pretty =))


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!