Sunday, October 29, 2006

Jakarta negotiations

Negotiations are not going well. All of a sudden there is "not enough money in the budget for a full family package". GJ and the Australian HR manager feel that it is now time for the hard bargaining phase. GJ will walk away from the negotiations if it doesn't go well, it is just as well that I am not doing the negotiations or we would be going and me paying them for the privilege! You would think that they would have worked this all out before they paid all expenses for a family of 5 to fly to Jakarta for a week.
It is all too much for me, I really want to go and just want to know when should I start packing. I am trying to ignore all the stress and confusion. It is not that easy though, I woke up GJ last week with blood curdling (an axe murderer is attacking me type) screams at 1am. I have no idea why I was screaming in my sleep, I have put it done to stress and uncertainty. GJ has asked me not to do it again...LOL
We are still preparing the house as if we are going. GJ painted our en suite yesterday as well as getting a new laundry door. We have to finish painting the deck railing and re-oil the timber. We needed to do all these things anyway. I am still de-cluttering the house. I am going to clean all the baby toys and wash my maternity clothes and give them to Lisa. All toddler toys are going to be washed and given to my friend De ( she runs a home day care business) and I am going to scan all the art work that the kids have made and then get rid of the 5 tonnes of paper!
I have booked my Mums and Sisters airfare for Christmas and are now organising everything.
The kids and I just love Christmas time. This year they are going to get there dolls cradle out and make a Nativity scene ( they want to use some of the chook's straw, I am madly trying to think of a substitute!). They are planing all their decorations and displays already.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how stressful! I can't imagine what you must be going through. Please keep us posted and I'll be crossing my fingers for you!!


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