Sunday, October 29, 2006

Volcano cake for GJ

We had an early celebration for GJ's birthday. GJ will be sitting an exam at uni on Monday night, his actual birthday and will be away for work on Tuesday night.
We made GJ an orange poppy seed cake, with cream cheese orange flavoured icing. When the cake came out of the oven we all noticed that it looked like a volcano, as it rose very steeply in the centre. The girls and I decided to go with this theme....The mountain was orange, the lava was red brown, sultana's were our chunks of rocks and we had some marshmallows as poisonous gases. The kids were in hysterics, they were having so much fun (either that or the fact that they nearly consumed their body weight in icing). We would never win any prizes in cake decorating, but we might win an honourable mention in the originality and colour awards.

We had a great dinner, BBQ and salad. Rob and I had the best though, 2.5kg of fresh prawns ( all peeled, it only took me 1.5 hours....). GJ brought them home as a surprise for us, unfortunately he is allergic to prawns and can't even touch them let alone eat them.

We don't have any photos of GJ cutting the cake as while I was getting the candles the kids ate the clouds and GJ cut the cake......

The girls were so exhausted from swimming and cake making that they fell asleep instantly, they didn't even manage to get into bed properly.

We had the air conditioning on yesterday, the first time this season. It got up to 36c(97f) and only went as low as 21c (70f) overnight. We are in for a loooonnnng hot season.

1 comment:

  1. Is it a mudcake? Happy birthday for GJ anyway ;) God bless!


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