Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Fabulous fantastic fondue fountain feast fantasy

Aunty Tan Tan scored a hit with her special present to the kids... a chocolate fondue fountain. This is its first outing for lunch on Christmas day. Accompaniments were marshmallows, crisp green apple wedges and strawberries.

Here are Brooke, Janny, Chelsea, Jeremy, Georgia and Aunty Tan Tan having a turn.

Here I am with Chocolate smeared all over my face, chest and top; it was that good.

Georgia and Chelsea were covered in chocolate.

There was 10 of us hovering around the fountain taking turns to dip into the lush chocolate.
Rob's brother Steven was smeared in chocolate.

We have all decided that if no one was looking we ALL would dip our tongues straight into the chocolate.


  1. Ohhh ... we LOVE fondue. I spotted one of those chocolate fountains not long ago and have been thinking it would be a wonderfully wise investment for our family.

    Probably not wonderfully wise for my ability to fit back in to my wardrobe following the pregnancy, though!!

  2. Looks like yummy, messy fun -- definitely an aunt gift. If only it made noise, too.

  3. Wish I could dip in my fingers in that fountain . . .

    Am paying a courtesy visit to your blog . . .Merry Christmas . . .

  4. Ok, that looks absolutely amazing and delicious! You look like you had a wonderful time!


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