Friday, December 29, 2006

Rob's surprise reunion

I organised a little surprise for Rob for Christmas, his brothers!

Rob had his younger brother Roger(on right), staying with him but didn't know that I had organised for Steven (on left) to come on Christmas day as well. He was very happy and surprised!

Steven is a bit of a practical joker and loves to get me in particular; he got me big time this year.
Steven rang on Christmas eve and said that he was bringing an extra person, his fiance Glenis. I hastily rearranged all the sleeping arrangements s the two of them could have their own room. I was so excited, I love weddings and engagements!
When Steven arrived ( 5 hours early!!!!!!!!) we rushed out side to meet Glenis and were shocked to meet Glenn, Steve's mate from Townsville. I should of known, he always manages to get me......

I couldn't believe how similar these three boys are in this photo. I haven't seen all five of the brothers together since Robs wedding in Cairns many years ago. Rob is the only one with hair on his head!

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