Friday, February 02, 2007


Our devotion to colourful, plastic footwear.

I have a major milestone birthday coming up in a few weeks....I am in complete denial about it though. I have realized that I am getting old. Last weekend when I had my kid free shopping time I was overwhelmed with the choices for shoes. I was admiring all these glamorous colourful, WONDERFUL shoes and all I could think was "OHH they are SO nice but they would be uncomfortable after a few hours....if only Crocs were prettier". I did end up with 3 new pairs. One comfortable pair that my Mum would wear ( see, I am getting old-sensible shoes!), one cute denim high heels and a pair of Crocs mary-jane style.

I went to the Crocs web site to get links and a photo and blew my knickers off in excitement. There is a whole new range coming out in March. I can have the best of both worlds, sensible, comfortable and not too daggy.

We are having a long weekend.....Most of Jakarta is underwater. Our poor driver is sitting on his roof as his home is 7 foot underwater. School has been canceled and GJ's office complex is underwater as well. So it will be a quiet day at the hotel.

I can't seem to find any web site that will let me know what traffic/road/weather conditions are.
The road outside our hotel is normally jammed packed with cars at this time of the day. Today there is hardly any traffic. It does seem very quite. I am so pleased I got magazines from the AWA. It is going to be a day of rest and reading.

Edit, here is the link to the latest CNN item on the floods


  1. Oh I love the pink ones. Underwater?? Wow, here in Florida it has been pouring all night also, but does not have the flooding you guys are having.



I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!