Sunday, February 04, 2007

Floods in Jakarta

The floods show no sign of receding. It is very hard to get any information about the current situation here in Jakarta (in English). I am getting most of my updates from the big western online news groups.
Our hotel is fine, we must be in a high spot. I don't know if we will be going to school or work on Monday. I am hesitant to send the kids off in case the situation changes and we can't get back. The suburb where we will be living and where the school is in is a flooded area.
I don't think we are that close to any flooded areas, but I am not game to venture out for a look.
The electricity has been turned off in many areas to prevent electrocution. I read one report of a person getting burnt skin from wading through the toxic water. This is one of the main issues with the flooding, the amount of raw sewerage and filth combining with the muddy flood waters creating an appalling smelly health risk. The news papers are reporting on the shortage of fresh drinking water.

These two photos are from "The Jakarta Post"
The below photos are from Yahoo News


  1. Sometimes I get worried and sometimes I freak out, if I were in your situation I think I would be a bit worried. Oh my goodness, and I have been worried about our tornadoes.

    Girl stay safe, and if you have ANY doubt about school, keep them home. You are still so new to everything there.

    Is this a normal occurance this season? Do they normally get a lot of rain?

    Stay safe.

  2. Oh my... I am thinking of you and praying for your situation. I agree with Laurel, definitely keep them home if you get too worried.


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