Wednesday, March 14, 2007

GJ again

Hello all in blog-o-sphere land,

Thanks everyone that left a comment, not quite a blog record but close, so I'm pleased considering my first attempt. Sorry for the disappointed visitor expecting Jen and gone me instead, just plain bad luck!!!!!. Jen is crying foul saying the last comment was begging for replies,............... may be!!

What to say,......................Aahhhh, to correct the record from yesterdays post, I noted the odometer reading this morning, and in the interest of accuracy my journey is only 11 kms door to door, not the 15 kms as posted. So sorry for that, it is so difficult to judge when travelling so slow or stationary. We only live 1.25 kms from the school and the girls still deem it OK to watch a DVD in the car, go figure............. I suppose they see the whole movie in a week!!!!!! Today's trip to work even had Pak Y our driver double checking his watch as 35 mins from leaving to school to the office front door. I'm pretty sure this is a new record, as Pak Y had the biggest smile and seemed extremely please with himself. I can imagine the conversation in the driver's waiting area now " Can you believe!!! Kemang to S Business park 35 mins, no accidents, dents, aggression or road rage, try and beat that!!!!!!!". OOOhhhh I have just realised you are getting my distorted ravings about Jakarta which all seem the stem from the transport/traffic, oh well that's my life and I still love it!!! Sorry will try and broaden it out in the future, but realise that if we break the record YOU WILL HERE!!!!

Now a little about my up coming life;

This Friday-Saturday-Sunday off to the National Sales conference, it is being held at a resort just outside Jakarta, I don't know where and don't have too............ as I will be picked up and delivered there. Another opportunity to see something new!!!

The following Wednesday (Rabu 21 Maret) I fly off on a magical mystery tour of Central Java. Pak E my Spare Parts Manager and myself fly into Solo City, see some customers then its a drive to Jogyakarta for an overnight stay. Thursday it will be more customers then about a 3 hour drive to Semarang for an overnight stay. Friday, more customers and an overnight stay. Saturday, Branch debrief then fly home to Jakarta in the afternoon. What is going to make this trip a little more interesting is we will be flying Garuda, certainly could be worse (Adam Air!!!). If I could somehow work in an ojek(motorbike taxi) to a ferry ride this could be the ultimate thrill seekers trip. Pak E (Sorry just realised Pak E = Mr E) assures me this will be a great trip. I hope Ibu (Mrs) Jen can part with her new camera so I can post some pics for everyone.

On the home front we are slowly getting on top of things, I have dismantled the useless wardrobes in our bedroom. Who could believe that someone could create a hanging space of about a metre in a closet room area of 2.9 m x 2.8 m, so out they went. I have designed a new wardrobe that will afford Ibu Jen 11 metres of hanging space and some shoe space, but not even I could supply enough shoe space for Miss Jen. We have had people out to quote, so only time will tell if we continue to hang the clothes horizontally on the floor.

The girls are up for new beds, as we need theirs for the the upcoming visit of Miss Tan Tan and Ibu Janny. We are all looking forward to this especially how long it will take for Miss Tan Tan so say her signature phrase when confronted with a surprise/shock/out of the ordinary situation/event /action or observation"Ooooohhhh my GOD". We are all certain that this comment wont take long in Jakarta!!! for her. We are also equally certain that it will be closely followed by " blow your knickers OFF". Something Chels relates very well too.

We are still looking for a nanny, Jen and I interviewed a nice young lady the other day, but I had some reservations, so the search continues.

Its off to a banking open night at the Commonwealth Bank tonight to try and figure out our options. So many things to consider, should we hedge against the rupiah?? but what about the exchange charges when we need the local currency. Please don't take this a whinge Its just another expat in the office has been here nearly 2 years and he hasn't got round to doing anything yet. I just don't want to let it slip which would be so easy to do!!!!

Have I mentioned that I love it here!!! Each day a lunch box comes with some magic food!!! Yesterday for a change a was tempted to try the veggie one, so I start as normal to eat my way through each portion ( there are 3 plus a larger serve of rice, a prawn cracker and a piece of fruit, more on this later) only to stop at the portion, that in the meat lunch box is the main staple, and wonder what sort of veggie would that be??? Funny shape!!!! covered in a batter............ anyway the up shot is I wasn't brave enough the chow down, instead I broke through the batter to find a PRAWN!!!!!!! (shrimp for some of the international readers). Well lucky for me I did, as I am allergic to prawns, the shape usually gives the little buggers away. I proceed to ask

"Is this the Veggie box"?????
"Yes" the reply!!! "Why"???
"It contains prawns"!!
"Well Veggie means sort of veggie" is the response

I know several people back home who would roll over and become vegetarians tomorrow if prawns are involved, right Ron & Rob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rest was OK!!!!

Well not the fruit actually, normally we get a mandarin which is great, even a banana still all good, but on this occasion the fruit was watermelon. Whats wrong with watermelon I can here now!!! Nothing its brilliant to eat chilled on a hot summers day and Jakarta is certainty a warm spot, any way back on track, Watermelon steamed over the hot rice just doesn't cut it for me, at least the banana and mandy have an outer force field to protect them from the heat, not the poor watermelon.

Anyway time to go,
but before I do I bet you guys can't beat yesterday comment numbers.

So in the famous words of Benny " Cheers Big Ears"



  1. Anonymous6:53 pm

    is mango season on yet? I think it'd be really great! I so missed the beloved Indo mangoes, papayas, durians, pineapples... and things... owww we have everything there =P (hey try lengkeng and duku, too!)

  2. Anonymous7:41 pm

    Just letting you know G.J I am really thinking about becoming a vegetarian

  3. Anonymous8:04 pm

    Well GJ I thought it was good to hear from you on JenJen's blog. It's good to here that you are really enjoying the change, I am a bit worried about your next travel arangements, but that's just me. It's hard to get use to not just picking up the phone and speaking to you all, or calling out for a great BBQ on the deck. Hopefully one day we will make it over to see you all and your new life style. Say hi to all. Kids say hi and miss you all heaps. I have told them they better start saving hard if they want to catch up with you over there.

    Jo, QLD

  4. Jen is he picking on you about shoes, men will never get the necessity. My hubby says the same thing!!!


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