Tuesday, March 13, 2007

"Guest Spot"

Hello all of Jenny's blog readers, its GJ here!!!.
I have been given blogging rights for the next couple of weeks, due to the lack of internet connection at our new home. Mostly my reports will be limited to a few lines as I need to blog at my desk.

So here goes; My point of view on Jakarta is very similiar to Miss Jen's, I really feel at home here. The people are so friendly and helpful and when you see an Indonesian's smile its like the whole world lights up you can't help but be uplifted. I have decide that I want to participate in the culture (especially the food) while I'm here. So at every opportunity, I try something local, mind you most of the time with advice from a colleague. My workmates are always looking out for me, especially if the food contains chillies!!!! So the other morning at our meeting we had some local food brought in from a street vendor, mainly tofu and sweet potato fritters with small green chillies. Everyone advised not to eat the chillies, but they didn't know that I love hot and spicy food. So I ate some chillies, much to everyone's dismay, they ran for the water in the expectation of the meltdown I was going to have. I didn't need it!! and proceeded to eat some more.

I real enjoy the travel to and from the office, as I love to observe life!!! I now have a theory on Jakarta traffic to explain the time difference of nearly 2 hours for only 15 kms. Of all the different ways to work, on any given day there is one that is free from traffic. Then word spreads and people start going that way until it completely clogs up, but in doing so, it has created another free route somewhere else. The challenge is to find that route!!!! and then find the next route before that one clogs up, therefore staying one step ahead of the traffic. Simple solution to Jakarta traffic, and if anyone perfects this method please let me know I promise I won't tell anyone.

To everyone back home, IT dept in the transfer of my work email account managed to wipe my entire connect list. So if you are wondering why I haven't contacted this is the reason. The only negative I have about being here is the lack of verbal contact with all of you.

Anyway cheers for now,


Please leave lots of comments so I can tease Jen, especially now she is older!!!!


  1. Anonymous8:50 pm

    WELL DONE G.J...Great to see that you get to have a say on this blog.Also good to hear that you are enjoying Jakarta.Watch out with those chillies,they will catch up with you.......

  2. Tell Jen I say hi =))) Glad to hear you are in the house now.


  3. I can handle spicy food, but my mistake was trying to impress some Indonesian friends with how much more I could handle it than them. Mouth was on fire for hours afterwards...

  4. I leave you the following comment: I came here to speak with JenJenqld, even though I don't know her, and what do I get?--a JenJenqld impersonator.

  5. Anonymous10:34 am

    ah, glad to know you like Jakarta :)

  6. Anonymous3:43 pm

    Adele Qld neighbour
    Now you are in your own home i am sure life will settle. Glad to hear all is gonig well wish you were still next door, can't wait to see more photos feel like i am travelling in Jakata with you

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I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!