Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Internet in Jakarta

I am connected!!!

After 20 days I am back on line,
albeit VERY, VERY slowly-dial up style connection.

But I don't care.....

I have not spoken to Lisa yet, but mum has told me that she had a beautiful baby girl
called Ella on March 15th
Ella was a perfect 7lb 6oz.

I can't wait to see photos and have a cuddle!


  1. And there was much rejoicing!! Hey I love the time thing you put on your side blog, guess you are in bed since it says 1 AM ;))

  2. Anonymous8:52 pm

    Dial-up connection from a Telkom landline is very very easy to get and you don't have to register for any Internet account. It's called TELKOMNet Instan.

    Go to:

    To set up is very very simple:
    Access No.: 080989999
    User: telkomnet@instan
    Password: telkom
    Primary DNS :
    Secondary DNS :

    Tariff is Rp 150,-/minute

  3. Anonymous8:55 pm

    You can also use TELKOMNet Instan Prepaid cards... http://www.telkomnetinstan.com/?mode=prepaid

    But nonetheless.. TELKOMNet Instan as I mentioned before.. does not require any registration.

  4. Welcome back! I'm sure it was really hard being away. I have to say, I'm not a big fan of dial-up (it's so slow) but its definitely better than nothing!! =)

  5. Anonymous10:15 pm

    Try to get Speedynet if you can. Its fairly cheap and usually quite good. It's also great for using Skype to ring home. I use it for ringing parent in QLD and it is as clear as a bell, even when also using webcam!
    T use Skype just download it from the website, (google its name) then run the program. Your friends at home will also have to download it so you can chat for free. When you are online, the skype program will show them youre online and ready to chat, and you them as being online, then its just a matter of ringing them on skype.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!