Thursday, March 29, 2007

Janny and Tan Tan are here....

I had about 25 minutes free yesterday in between making beds and chasing Ben. Time in which I could of blogged, but after so much anticipation I had nothing to say-blogger block! LOL Janny and Tan Tan arrived last night. The flight was 1 hour late, which as good as I was 30 minutes late due to traffic. I still had over an hour wait for them to come through the gates. I got our driver to come in with me to help with the spruikers etc, but it wasn't necessary. The airport was very crowded and hot. I had a champagne on ice in the car for Janny and Tan Tan and we had very, very quick trip home. Our first day with Tan and Jan in Jakarta was wonderful. Too tired to spill the beans.... We have a big night on Friday night; we are showing Tan and Jan the delights of Amigos and frozen strawberry margaritas.... We have been taking lots of photos, I will share them soon

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