Thursday, March 08, 2007

Last night at the hotel.

We are checking out of the hotel tomorrow!!!!!!!

The Internet is still not connected, I hope it won't be long.

Furniture only took 1hr to deliver. It is amazing at how quick 25 men can unload 4 trucks.

Now the big job begins.

My House keeper,Ibu(Mrs) S starts tomorrow, and the man she has worked with for the last 14 years is starting on Monday. Pak(MR) S will look after the pool, garden and heavy cleaning which means I will be able to get rid of the current pool person (the one who wants to charge me over 1million rupiah for part time work).

I felt strange vibes from the current pool guy. He lives at a micro house at the bottom of our road. We live in a dead end street and have to drive past him to get home. He knows when we are there and immediately comes over and hovers. He sat and watched every piece of furniture come off the trucks like he was preparing a mental catalogue. I feel pressured to employ him and provide for him and his wife. I am going to trust my instincts on this one and pay him off. I don't think that it will be the end of it-I hope I am wrong.

We had to pay costs for storage of the shipping container on the docks, but NOTHING ELSE.
No under the table payments!
What a pleasant surprise.

When I got back to the hotel I received an email from a new Internet friend advising me of the tipping and food/refreshments etiquette. Unfortunately I got it too late.....I did show the supervisor where the toilet and water cooler were.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:17 pm

    Nothing has changed, the colonial set-up lives on or is it a matter of providing employment?


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!