Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Motor bikes in Jakarta

Here are some snaps of a typical morning on the way to school.

I took these shots to show how the motor bikes ride on the footpath if the road is clogged.

I am spending all my free time at the new house cleaning. I think my house keeper is waiting for me to finish before she starts work for us. The house has been "Brand New" for about 12 months. Although it has never been lived in it still has a DEEP, DEEP layer of dirt covering everything. Even after a through vacuum it still turns to mud when I mop.
The bad news is that I won't be finished in time........Our furniture starts to arrive tomorrow....

This is the fantastic news which cancels out the bad news!

The first load comes at about 2pm. They company can not get a truck with a 40ft container into our suburb, so it will be delivered in small truck lots.
We might be able to spend Friday night there!

I added the pictures so nobody notices how slack I have been with my blog this last week. LOL
I am feeling a little better. The antibiotics are doing a good job at killing off the bad bacteria that have cause me so much grief.
I had a very low key birthday, no fun to turn 32.5 years old (LOL, LOL, LOL)when you are sick. But boy oh boy did I get some lovely pressies........To be continued.


  1. Happy Belated birthday. I am sorry you were sick. Loved the pictures!!

  2. i'm still waiting for the invite for those margaritas!!!!


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