Monday, April 30, 2007

I am in Australia

I got some really sad news last Thursday morning that a dear friends husband had passed away. I managed to get the only available seat out of Jakarta and completed an arduous LONG journey and ended up in Cairns just in time for the funeral on Saturday. I am now back in Sydney at my Mums house. I will be heading back to my babies in Jakarta on Wednesday.
I have lots of stories of the small pockets of joy we found at the wake with all of us together as well as the gut wrenching sadness.


  1. I am so sorry for the circumstances, hope you enjoy being surrounded by loved ones.

    ((hugs))and prayers for your friend who lost her soul mate.

  2. Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear this. Please pass on my regards to your friend. My prayers are certainly with you both.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!