Thursday, May 03, 2007

For John.

We have had a week of highs and lows. The lowest was the funeral; of my oldest friends husband.
The high points was the long cuddle of a 1 week old baby and the night spent with my sisters long time friend (mine too) and her announcement of her engagement and pregnancy.
We have cried a lot of tears this week, mostly sad but a few were tears of joy.

I got the news on Thursday morning that John had passed away. It took me three traumatic, frantic hours to get a flight to Australia. Of course my phone was not working as it had rained the day before…..I got the last seat on a plane to Singapore where I could connect to Australia, if I missed this flight I would have missed the funeral on Saturday. After all this I was left with three minutes to pack and find winter clothes.
I greeted the girls with “hello Sweeties, Mummy’s going to Australia NOW” and was in the car before they even got inside from school. I hid in the car so Ben wouldn’t see me leave and be upset, it backfired a lot because I was distraught at leaving him…
I had forty minutes to get to the airport to check in at the correct time, it started to rain and it took me 2.5hours to get there. I checked in 20 minutes before the flight took off.
My phone had run out of credit, but luckily GJ rang me from Surabaya and I was able to get his assistant to ring the airline and arrange a late check in. GJ landed at the airport 1.5hours after I left, just in time to get the kids to bed.
My six hour stopover in Singapore was very boring and uneventful. As my flight to Sydney didn’t leave until 12.30am I got the credit card out and had a great massage/reflexology from 10.15pm to 11.15pm, but sshhh, don’t tell GJ.
I arrived in Sydney and then had a 5 hour wait for Tan and our connecting flight to Cairns. We arrived at our hotel at 7 pm, a LONG 30 hour journey. (Big story to come about this night LOL).

Alicia and I have been friends since birth. Our mothers were and are still best friends. We know more about each other than any one else. We have lived far apart for the last ten years, but it makes no difference, we can pick up the instant we see each other.

I would have to say that this was the most gut wrenching, saddest funeral I have ever been to, and unfortunately I have been to far more than most people. Tan and I both agree
on this although we have excluded our brothers funeral, as we were too grief stricken to remember much of it. We have been to funerals of ALL our (my mother sister and I) family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, our father, brother as well as many from the above generation). This is the first funeral of our generation, a friend’s husband.

Alicia and John were more than happily married; they were true soul mates, an absolute perfect match. Alicia is now struggling to breathe, she is so frail and her grief is all consuming. My wonderful Godson, Dean is being a tower of strength for his mother.
I met the group of friends that Alicia and John have made over the last few years in their tropical paradise. They are such lovely people and are being true friends for Alicia and Dean.

I am included the letter I wrote to John three weeks ago, unfortunately it missed him by 3 hours, I am sure he read it in Heaven.
Here is the link FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS for the photos of the day.

Dearest John

It is not often we are afforded the chance to say good bye to a loved one.
I would like to say thank you for the fun and friendship that we have had over the last twenty years.
I remember well meeting you in 1987; even then it was obvious that you and Alicia were meant to be together. After a tumultuous start a loving relationship began,
culminating in a wedding and most gorgeous son. You have matured into a wonderful, loving man. I know that your childhood was not that idyllic yet you have overcome all that to become a wonderful man, father and husband.
Your relationship with Alicia has shown many what the true meaning of soul mates is.
We have all many times over the last 10 years remarked how devoted you and Alicia are. It has been a pleasure to see how happy you have made each other. I am glad that you have been able to have these last few years living together in your home in paradise. I am sure many will think of you as a successful business man, but to me your true success is your family.
Dean and Alicia, as well as your beautiful girls, are lucky to have had you as the head of their family.
Farewell dear friend, please know that your family will be surrounded by love and support, always.
I will look forward to meeting again in a beautiful place.

Love always


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