Friday, May 04, 2007

Chelsea's first ballet lesson

This term Chelsea has chosen Ballet as one of her after school activities. Yesterday was her first lesson, she LOVES it. It was one of the things that we said the girls could do when we move to Jakarta. Unfortunately it falls on the same day as Tae kwondo, so Chelsea chose ballet. I was so pleased that I always have my camera in my bag so I could get these shots. When we got home we could not get her out of her leotard.....she was riding her bike and showing the neighbours how she is a ballerina.

The three little girls in her class were all so serious, they were concentrating so hard on the teacher and trying to be good ballerinas.
GJ and I just love the last photo, her wrist and ankles are bent and she is trying so hard to get the correct pose. She can't wait for next week as she gets her ballet shoes then!!!!!! We have to get the stocking this week.

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