Sunday, May 20, 2007

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We got stuck in a traffic jam yesterday afternoon. As we don't need to drive we can spend the time enjoying the sights. There is ALWAYS something interesting going on out side.

We had a quick trip to Pondok Indah mall in the morning for haircuts. We finally got around to buying a vase so we can start to experience the flowers of Indonesia. GJ and I bought some flowers for the hostess of a dinner party we went to last night, as well as buying some for the new vase. I realised that GJ had no idea of the flowers I liked. There is the most magnificent collection of tropical blooms, and GJ thought that I would prefer gerberas or crysthanthums.............Now he knows-ginger, bird of paradise, unusual exotic foliage.
Note I will take photos of the flower sellers next week to show the dazzling array
In Queensland the flowers were very expensive, over $20 for a small basic bunch from the supermarket that would last 2-3 days. This bunch of sweetly smelling tuberose's cost $2. (14000RP).

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I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!