Sunday, May 20, 2007

Friday 18th May

We are having a four day weekend this weekend. It was a public holiday on Thursday for Ascension Day and the school decided to close on the Friday for a bonus long weekend. GJ had meetings scheduled for Friday so we don’t have any major plans.
Today I went to Carrfours and just got home in time for the most magnificent storm. As we left the supermarket the air was so oppressive and heavy; we knew we were in for a BIG one. The rain started 5 minutes from home and the roads were covered with 30cm of rain almost instantly. The thunder was so loud it was shaking the car, which as we have a mini van style of car and the rain was deafening, was no small feat.
The rain lasted for a good hour, the pool was overflowing, the fish pond at the front was filled up and the river close to us rose at least 4 feet, it was nearly over the banks.
Our phones decided to work this morning for the first time in a week, and now with the rain they are out again………At least I have the technician here for this. The BLOODY INTERNET is still not working, tomorrow they have promised me yet again………
I left my camera at home this morning which is disappointing because I could have taken some great storm shots. I haven’t had any Indonesian photos on my blog lately; I will try and get some interesting shots for next week.
We are having Beef Rending again tonight. Sarinah saved all the spices in the freezer so all I had to do was buy the meat. The smell coming out of my kitchen is SO amazing.

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