Friday, June 08, 2007

Only one little sickee left

Poor little Georgie is still sick, every body else is fine.
Georgia and I spent the day at SOS clinic today, the lovely Dr worked out that the antibiotics that she was on was causing the reaction which was giving her these new symptoms. The congestion on her chest has cleared up considerably and with the new antibiotics her fever should go down and the tummy problems should clear up.
Georgia only managed two hours of school this week, and I only managed to work one day....strangely both of us are disappointed!
Hopefully we will get back onto regular bloggy posting asap.


  1. You're poor, poor daughter. I really hope you guys found the magic "cure". The same happened with my coworker this week. I'm happy to report she's finally feeling better!

  2. Anonymous12:48 pm

    Glad to hear that you are all feeling better, hope Georgia is up and about and back to school Monday. All well here, winter has hit, only about 18 today a real change not use to this. We have had a few days of good rain but not enough to stop level 6 being set in place for September. Say hi to all.

    Love Jo


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