Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sick kids in Jakarta

I have three little sickie's at home.

  • Georgia came down with a fever and a honking-bark like cough on Sunday afternoon and now has vomiting, diarrhoea and a fever. The Dr also thinks that her tonsils are infected.
  • GJ has an arthritis flare up in his wrist and gout in his ankle as well as a tummy bug
  • Ben has a fever and a runny nose.
  • Chelsea is very disappointed that she is in extremely good health and has to go to school.

I'm fine, just tired from all the extra devotion....


  1. wow what a life to live, I really enjoyed visiting on your blog.

  2. Oh goodness I am sorry, I hope they feel better soon. I hate having a sick house.

  3. I hear you! =) We battled a four-week long spat with sickness in our house. It... was... not... fun!

  4. tell greg to go easy on red meat. hope they feel better soon


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