Sunday, July 01, 2007

Drivers licence in Jakarta

I have never seen a worse photo of me..........
I scared our driver this morning when I offered to drive (I didn't LOL)

We got our drivers licences yesterday.......

We will receive them on Monday, so then I can officially drive.....if I am game.

The company organised it for GJ and booked me in as well as they thought that I should have one for emergencies . I think it will cost me about $100.

Thankfully they have an agent to expedite the process as I reckon it would be an all day process here even if you were fluent in the language.

On a side note, it was my first experience of being an ignored female!(this is not an Indonesian thing- women are generally well respected here, I think it was just this particular police man) When we got there an officer was most insistent on helping and pulled GJ through to a back office to check all his paperwork, I was absolutely, totally ignored; not even looked at!

At the huge complex where all licences are done in Jakarta there was crowds of people, but almost no other Westerners. We gathered a small group of observers when we had our photos and fingerprints done.

So where would I drive to....
  • I could drive to Pondok Indah Mall with no trouble, but I could get lost on the way home (you exit the car park on a different side and can't do a u-turn) stop laughing at me!!!!!
  • JL Benda for a quick trip to the salon
  • Kemang Hero supermarket and/or Amigos
  • SOS doctor surgery.
There is not many other places I would be game to drive to. This is so different for me, I drove all over Brisbane with out even thinking of it.

GJ is game to drive; it will take nerves of steel !!!!!

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