Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Pavlovas in Jakarta

We had an Aussie BBQ on the weekend for some of GJ's colleagues. GJ has had many questions over the last few months on what Australian food is like. It is a hard one to answer as Australian cooking is so multicultural. We have everyday food staples from all over the world.

At home all our entertaining was done on the deck, summer or winter. The food was always something on the BBQ, an outdoors roast in the Weber and/or big platters of fresh seafood. This is what we put on for our guests here in Jakarta.
GJ cooked up rissoles, steaks, sausages and kebabs and we had three different styles of salads. I think the highlight of the party was the desserts. GJ had been telling everyone at work about Pavlovas.......yes he told them all I would whip one up........
Pavlovas can be easy to make or difficult, failures or successes; it all depends on the way the wind is blowing. At home I could always cheat and go to the local Cheese Cake shop and pick up a dressed Pavlova.
In Jakarta I had to conquer a lot of obstacles; An unfamiliar gas oven with no fan, Indonesian eggs, humidity etc.
I can not believe how well this Pavlova came out...it was the best ever.....The outside retained its height and crispness, the inside was packed full of the lightest fluffiest meringue, it was divine if I do say so myself. It was a big hit!
But the hugest hit of the night was the chocolate fountain.....yes, it came with us to Jakarta, how could we leave it behind!
We had a great time and I think we managed to show case a little of Aussie dining.

This is the playroom. All the kids had a great time- the mixture of languages was Indonesian, Mandarin, Danish and English but all the kids had no trouble communicating.

1 comment:

  1. It ALL sounds delicious and yummy!! What a wonderful time.


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