Monday, July 16, 2007

Hyatt Regency Jogjakarta, five days of family bliss....

We arrived in Jogjakarta on Sunday in the late afternoon and started to search for a hotel…..after an hour and a half we were still searching…..
We went at first to the hotel GJ usually stays at here in Jogja, the corporate rate for an up market room is around 600 000RP ($90). There were two adjoining rooms available but they would not budge from 1 300 000 per room (about a total of $390 /night). It was their loss, the extras we pay (ie food, massage a wine or two etc) usually are VERY profitable to hotels.
The panic was setting in when we had the fifth No Vacancy news and we decided to try the Hyatt in desperation….oh my goodness we found Nirvana. In Australia we could not afford a family stay in a Hyatt resort but here with the residents rate we could!
We stayed in the Regency Club section which gave us entry to the Regency Club for continental breakfast and evening cocktails and hordervers. At 5pm we would arrive for two hours of lounging next to the bookcase and games cupboard. White wine was delivered regularly and the kids kept bringing over a selection of hot and cold, savory and sweet canapĂ©s…..Only one night was it not enough for the kids so we had a room service pizza delivered.
I could not fault the staff and service at the Hyatt Jogjakarta, everything was perfect.
On our last night we had the “Romantic Dinner” package in the out door temple, we unromantically took all the kids with us. GJ had spotted this previously, oh it was a “blow your knickers off” moment LOL.
The temple was Borobudur inspired and was lit with candles and discrete garden lighting. We were in the middle of a large garden with a tranquil pond next to us. We had our own waiter who waited in the shadows down the path to ensure perfection. The food was delicious, the setting magnificent and the night was still, balmy and star filled. GeorGeor was an excellent photographer on the night and also made a small movie ( I will have to work out how to blog it ).
The whole building was themed around Borobudur, the golf course looked good and next time GJ will bring his new clubs.
The kids have crowned the pool the best EVER. It had a huge twisting water slide which landed in one of the many pools.
We originally only booked in for 3 nights but soon extended for 5 nights. The Hyatt Jogjakarta is probably one of the best hotels I have ever stayed in. It is much better than the Hyatt at Bandung but that is a whole other story and they are working really hard to redeem themselves at the moment.

This is the five of us having our romantic family dinner. You can see the temple in one of the daylight shots. I think that it was the first time they had ever served childrens meals in the temple LOL.

These are just a few shots of around the hotel and pool

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