Monday, July 16, 2007

Mount Merapi, an active Volcano

Mt Merapi was smoking all while we were in Jogja.... GJ was fascinated by it and spent ages on the roof top terrace of the Hyatt with the kids watching this Volcano. I took these photos from here, photos from other vantage spots were so hazy that the volcano was obscured.

If the sky was clear the open air foyer of the Hyatt perfectly framed a view of Mt Merapi.


  1. Holy cow! How amazing!! *Sigh* I think I am definitely going to have to convince Jon that we need to vacation there someday...

  2. Hi Jen,
    I noticed your comment over at Munchkin Land and couldn't help but come over here to say hello! We live in Kalimantan...just across the pond from you. We spent a year language learning in Bandung over nearer to you on Java. My hubby went down and helped in the earthqauke aftermath there in Jogja last year. All in all, it's a small Indonesian world!! :)


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