Friday, August 10, 2007

6th month anniversary

The "W' post
We have now been here over six months.
WOW it has gone so quickly.
When we walk into our home it feels like "home".
We are loving living here!
We can see ourselves here for quite a while.
We have made some fantastic friends.
We feel alive with the diversity and pace of this country.
We are getting used to the traffic and pollution.


  1. Six months? Are you sure? It seems like just yesterday you were talking about starting this adventure. Wow, time has flown.

  2. Hi! I've been reading your blog lately and enjoyed it. I'm so glad you love living in Jakarta. I was born and grew up there, but unfortunately I'm not residing in Jakarta anymore. Apart from the pollution, poverty, and traffic, Jakarta is always be my beautiful hometown.

  3. I don't know that I could get used to the traffic and pollution there.


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