Friday, August 10, 2007

Playgrounds in Jakarta

There is almost nothing around our local suburbs in the way of public parks. If there was it would full of food stalls and rapidly erected small homes, as well as feral cats and garbage.

We are extremely fortunate to live in a dead end street with only one neighbour so our kids have a place to ride their bikes safely and play. Not many kids have the luxury of a play area with out cars whizzing by. This has led to a few really nice playgrounds being opened in the surrounding suburbs. Most are indoors- clean air and A/C!!!!!! We went to a birthday party at a new playground on JL. Kemang Timur last week, the girls had a ball! We will definitely be going back.

The safety standard of this play ground weren't too bad; except this big metal thing that was a cross between a see-saw and a swing (a bit like the pirate boat ride at theme parks) which could brain a little kid if they walked behind it!

In Indonesia there is no safety guide lines or regulations in regards to play toys or equipment, and there is no suing for damages either. You have to be HYPER VIGILANT.

  • At Amigos if we sit on the upper level Ben can fit his complete body through the rails of the balcony. He could fall to the ground floor......

  • No one checks that services are regularly done on small centres and old buildings we take the stairs.....I am not being paranoid

  • We don't EVER lean on balcony's or stair rails. I have seen rails that are nailed (not screwed) into concrete floors two floors up.

Enough of the bad stuff......lets get to the good stuff!!!

This playground is great.

Toddlers section inside with the coffee shop, with the water park area and main playground outside. All the kids at the party had the best time! I think?????that it is about 50 000RP per child, I will have to check as that is quite expensive BUT the amount of energy that the kids expend there would be worth it!!!!

Another playground we have been to is Bondies on JL Kemang Ampera. Playground is downstairs and upstairs is a licenced premised. Coffee or wine depending on the time!

We have also been to Tamani kids in Kemang which was a good indoors playground.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun!!! Great pictures.

  2. Sounds utterly divine... Love the pictures!

  3. There's another great playground not far from this. It's named "the Playground", and is located on Kemang Dalam. Quite similar to Prefere 72.

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  5. Anonymous7:08 pm

    Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!